"One of the most stunning truths I was beginning to get a glimpse of is that life is not too difficult to bear, nor does it have to be a constant struggle. The reason for the struggle is that most people haven’t been taught that they either have the tools, or that the tools are available to not just navigate this existence, but to actually be completely engaged, in awe, prosperous and appreciative of whatever time we have on this rock."
Daryl Dittmer
When I Stop Fighting

“It’s mighty to believe in a power greater than myself, and I’m grateful to know that I’m not the one responsible for outcomes, as I’m certain I’m not smart enough for that. All I’m responsible for is what’s in front of me to be done and my willingness to do it.”
Daryl Dittmer
When I Stop Fighting

“Again, the question is—how are our beliefs working out or manifesting in our life? The answer requires honesty, and it requires stopping long enough to really assess ourselves and our life.”
Daryl Dittmer