August Healing: My Journey to Inner Strength & Finding Peace Amidst Pain
August always feels like a time of reflection for me. The summer heat starts to wane, and there's a subtle shift in the air – an invitation to slow down, look inward, and acknowledge the journey I've been on. This year, it feels particularly poignant. I've faced challenges, experienced grief, and bumped up against what I thought were my limitations. But August also holds the promise of renewal, a chance to find peace amidst the pain and tap into the strength I know resides within me. Which got me to thinking back on to one of my favorite lessons from my first book, "When I Stop Fighting"
Nobody Owes You a Damn Thing: Taking Responsibility
In my book, "When I Stop Fighting," I share the lessons I've learned on my path to recovery and self-discovery. One of the most powerful lessons came from a simple phrase I heard around the 12-Step tables: "Nobody owes you a damn thing." At first, it sounded harsh, but I soon realized the profound truth and freedom it held.
If I wanted to improve my life – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially – it was one hundred percent on me. No one else was responsible for my actions, my work ethic, my self-esteem, my faith, or how I treated my body. It was a lot of responsibility, sure. But the alternative was being tossed around by the uncontrollable forces of life – the people, places, and things I had no power over.
Turning Inward: Finding Strength in the Uncontrollable
So, I turned inward. I focused on what I could control: me. It wasn't easy. It wasn't always fun. But as I put in the work, I started to experience a newfound strength and resilience. I didn't have to react emotionally to every setback. I could say no to temptations. I could make choices that nourished my body and soul.
A Glimpse into the Journey: An Excerpt from "When I Stop Fighting"
“Nobody owes you a damn thing” was something I’d heard around the 12-Step tables and carried with me wherever I went. Initially, it sounded a little harsh, but with further analysis, the truth in that little nugget is powerful and enables an immense amount of freedom. Why? Because it drives home the absolute truth that if I was going to improve my life from a mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial perspective, it was one hundred percent on me. I’m responsible for my actions. I’m responsible for my work ethic. I’m responsible for educating myself. I’m responsible for my self-esteem. I’m responsible for my faith. I’m responsible for how I treat my body, etc. Well, shit! That’s a lot of responsibility! Yes, it is.
What’s the alternative? Being tossed around in life by people, places, and things that are completely and irretrievably beyond my control? I’d rather not, thanks. Am I going to work to improve myself to the point where I rely on what’s inside me and the inner strength I’ve developed, so that I don’t have to emotionally react to everything that doesn’t go my way?
Am I going to put in the work to be able to say an emphatic no to the constant temptations around me?
Am I going to learn about what it takes to be truly physically healthy?
Am I going to keep moving toward my aspirations in life no matter how many times I
feel like quitting?
Or am I going to get bounced around by the nonstop gyrations of life?
The good news is there are only three things in this life I know I can’t control"
Embracing August Healing: Your Journey to Inner Peace
This August, I invite you to join me on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Let's acknowledge our pain, our limitations, and our struggles. Let's also recognize the incredible power we have to overcome them. We can find peace amidst the chaos, cultivate inner strength, and create a life that's truly fulfilling.
Win a Free Copy of "When I Stop Fighting"
To support you on your journey, I'm giving away a free copy of my book, "When I Stop Fighting." It's filled with stories, insights, and practical tools to help you navigate life's challenges, find inner peace, and embrace a more contented life.
Enter the Giveaway & Embrace Your Journey
This August, discover the strength and peace that's already within you. Enter our giveaway for a chance to win a free copy of "When I Stop Fighting" and embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-empowerment.
August is a time for reflection and renewal.
You have the power to control yourself and create a fulfilling life.
"When I Stop Fighting" offers guidance and inspiration on your journey.
Enter our giveaway for a chance to win a free copy of the book.
Embrace the healing power of August and find the strength to create a life you love.
Click here to enter the giveaway and start your journey towards healing and inner peace.